Friday, February 17

The Higher the Hair

Hey Y'all!!!

It is finalllly the weekend, are y'all excited?? And if you're like me, we've got three glorious days to revel in ... well, I wish I could say sunshine, but it's looking grimly like rain.
Today was a marvelous day at work - our team did some marketing material distribution around town, I stopped in at one of my favorite texi-mexi places for lunch and then our President told us to go home at 4:15!!           So, I am addicted to Pinterest - no secret by now and I feel like everyone is! I had to share some of these fabulous DIY creative {yet, not completely unbelievable} hair styles I've seen floating around.
It must come with the territory of being a Southern Belle - you know - where your Grannie swears

The Higher the Hair, the Closer to God

and your Momma teaches

Wet Hair is Low Rent

Simple Fact: 
Southern Women Make the Effort

If you're like me, I'm prone to a ponytail, hair clip with a mess jumbled on top of my head, or half-up. Quick and easy. But thanks to Pinterest, there are more quick and easy hairstyles. Let's expand our horizons!! 

The Beauty Dept.

The Beauty Dept.

quick messy braided hairstyle
Alright y'all - well enjoy & go play with your hair this weekend! I'm going to fight the drizzle + frizzy hair that awaits when I walk out the door tonight! 


Wednesday, February 15


Hey Y'all!!

Wednesday is so my favorite day of the week. Aside from Friday - for obvious reasons!
I just really love that the work-week is half over, pretty much all my favorite shows are on, I usually have leftovers for dinner, which doesn't require me cooking {much as I love it}.

I'm on week 4 at my sweet event planning job and I had a really wonderful informal review~discussion with my super today {we'll just call her that, because she is pretty super} and she's just thrilled to see my strengths coming forward so early and with action plans in tow! To top it off - I've started making great friendships with the girls in my "cave" {our cozy work space for 4} and really look forward to going to work each day. Of course, that doesn't mean it won't ever be stressful, but it's more fun to be crazy to the wall during event season with people who are good friends!!

So, today's post - aside from some bragging business - is all about how I'm No Techy!! {reference cute title above} ...  I'm finally moving to the iPhone. It's happening and I feel like I'm ready ... you know, once I can find an amazingly girly cover {or case ..?} and then I have to learn all about how this Apple world works. I'm truly excited though :-) and the best part is that work is paying for it! And, unless it's event month - my Super doesn't want me checking / answering emails on it. And of course, never giving my phone number out to our riders. whew! After a disastrous 6-month stint with the triathlon kings, I swore I'd never have a company paid cell phone. But thankfully Super isn't like Satan's Mistress was {and yes, we called her that out loud}

Back to the subject - I'm a girl who can pick a meal from a menu in 1 minute, decide on a pair of shoes at first try-on, tell you what I will and won't want in Mr. Right ...but ask me to choose something like a PHONE COVER and I just need some help! Here are some favorites ... for the iPhone4. Not Siri - she's bossy. And kinda creeps me out!
Personalized Green Damask Case for iPhone or iTouch
the monogram merchant

lipstick shades

Click to see full size image
the preppy techie
Click to see full size image
Boatman Gellar

So which should I do? And don't you know it will just be precious and monogrammed!!
All for now my dears - tomorrow I'm hosting an early Fat Tuesday party with some girlfriends and I've still got much to do!


Sunday, February 5

Glass Slippers

Happy Sunday, Y'all!

I'm sad it's the end of the weekend {already} but thankful for a few days to finish being sick and ready to tackle this upcoming week. Goodbye strep throat, ear ache and sinus infection!!

I hope that y'all have had a great weekend - mine was low key but fun... caught up with an old friend & saw a movie, amazingly cleaned inside and outside of my car {!!!!} and wandered around outside yesterday just because it was so lovely. I found myself at the beach just walking and enjoying the day. And then I took a gift card I had and bought a bathing suit. In February. I know, I know ... only in the South!!

Today was church and a Superbowl Party later on. I'm so so thankful for the amazing church God led me to over a year ago. The message by Pastor Russ today was all about
"Catching Boys, Chasing Girls - The Art of Finding & Keeping Your Lifelong Partner" 
Heavy sounding stuff, but it really resounded in my heart ... Pastor made the example to men that it's not always hunting season ... that you should know where you're going and know who you are in Christ before you seek His will for the woman for you. And to women, he talked about leaving "glass slippers" to allow the right man to seek you out, when you also know where you're going in life and who you are in Christ.
As he said, you cannot pursue one man while you're also pursuing all other men. Same goes for men!
One thing that really resounded with me, was the implication that strength & charm play in the whole "game".

Just as Strength is a man's Charm, 
Charm is a woman's Strength. 

This is so true, and knowing that the Holy Spirit will give you guidance when you listen and seek Him, is so real in my life. 

I hope that this quick little blurb  gives you inspiration and hope for that *amazing* partner that's out there for you. And don't forget once you find that potential one, to leave him a glass slipper to let him catch you.
