Monday, June 13

Whirling Dirvish

Hey Y'all

It's the end of the weekend and I just wanted to share my whereabouts as of late. I've contemplated about how best to blog this for a little bit, and so here it is:

On May 31 I lost my job as a private nanny, which was really a blessing because I was just sticking with it until a better opportunity presented itself.
 And, well, it did.
Although it didn't seem much of an opportunity or blessing at the time, with the support of Handsome Man, my family and best friends, I began to see the silver lining.
Within 48 hours of being unemployed, I had made the decision to move home to my "soft landing spot" at my parents home, 2 and 1/2 hours from my "city home" with Handsome Man and all of our friends, our church, and our social lives.
My furniture was up on Craigslist and sold within three days. The parents and Handsome Man were there on the weekend to move me back to my childhood home.
Although life was a whirlwind and I'm now a statistic in the unemployment rate, I couldn't help but be grateful for sticking with a job that I loathed, and only losing the job due to the ..ahem ... eccentric and unreliable nature of the family {4 nannies, now make that 5, in 2 years ... I don't think the nannies are the problem!!!}

What God will show me in the time I have ahead of me, is a mystery. I'm learning to have faith, more than ever before. And to take each day as it comes. All I can do, is have faith and take the step to do the next right thing.
I'm taking the time to save while having low overhead costs {THANK YOU M&L!!}, to dig deeper into my talents and am able to be more selective in my job hunt. I have hopes of returning "soon" {relative term} to my "city home" and landing a job that I will truly enjoy because I was able to be choosy. I'm excited to be given the chance to work on myself, inside and out, my relationships with family and friends now here in my childhood town, and to see what amazing things will come from this move.

I'm also working on writing content for my website to launch and promote my "dream business" of designing and coordinating special events. A few months back I landed on the name "Sugar Bean" - which is a combination of 2 special nicknames from some quite amazing people in my life - "Shug" or "Sugar" is what my Mama B {grandma} has always affectionately called me. And the "Bean" is a nickname among my closest friend and Handsome Man.
I officially own a website domain name and now I'm working on getting all the pieces together, from photos to web content, bio's and such ... all in a place where it can be pretty and functional!
My hope is to begin working with family + friends designing events {birthday parties, luncheons, meetings, socials, weddings, showers, etc} in my "city home" and my "childhood home" :)
The next big goal is the 5 yr plan, where I hope to be making a decent income from designing and coordinating events from the Panhandle to Central Florida. Call me crazy, but I believe in dreaming big.Over the years, I've seen where my talents emerge and I am so thankful that I have been given the inspiration to use them as a launching point for a career.

As I get more settled here at home, I'll begin a few projects ... the few pieces of furniture that did make the move will be needing a facelift soon, and I finally have a garage and yard to work in! And tools, galore! Hope you will check back and see where I'm headed! Even I don't know where that is, it's kinda fun :)


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