Monday, August 8

Coupon Chic

Hey Y'all! 

I promised a couple posts back that I would be starting a new adventure in learning to coupon.
And I shared with you my humble beginnings - ziplock baggies labeled by food category. 
Then I promised that I would be doing a more Chic Coupon Organizing Method shortly. 

So, in keeping with the "money saving" ideas - I am promising myself that only after I have saved $30 in coupons {may take a few shopping trips} I will buy myself a very fabulous piece of organization.

Those of who you really know me - know that I certainly won't be toting about the grocer with my ziplocks hanging from my bag. I'll discreetly organize them prior to my trip {also to ensure I only purchase what I will need & use} and place them next to my debit card in my wallet. Not because I'm ashamed to coupon {uhm, no way!} but because Ziplocks just aren't stylish. And I have to save face occasionally! 

Do any of y'all have a preferred method of organizing your coupons? I'm trying to logically figure out a way to use the ones that will (A) Bring me the best savings (B) That I will use without the product expiring & (C) To use them before they expire. So, any advice on which method is most important?? 
I'd hate to go to all the trouble to print out coupons if I know I don't have room for / use for that item before its shelf life runs up. I suppose that should be rule #1?! Maybe I will discuss it with Handsome Man. He's excellent at this whole "logical thinking" thing ;) perhaps our best "balancing" act with each other! 

So, now to the fun stuff {aside from having more $ by saving more $} - 
here are my top 2 contenders for
Chic Coupon Organization: 

  1. Monogrammed Coupon Holder with "Key West Green" print & hot pink script monogram       by Sew Girlie 
2. Fabric Monogram Coupon Holder in Pink Houndstooth fabric, black circle monogram              

I'll start saving money this week when I do my first big-ish grocery trip to stock up the new place!



  1. Hey girl! I use an accordion file folder-they're like $5 or $6 at Wal-Mart. Each file in it represents a week so each weekly insert I get I just throw it in the next empty one. That way after so many weeks I will go through my coupons and discard the ones that are expired. Not as chic as I would prefer, but it is very practical :) And once I make my shopping list I clip out the one I need and take it to the store.

    By the way, we are so happy for you and your new job. Love you!

  2. Those are cute! I am so bad at couponing! My friend Lane is almost an extreme couponer:) I usually leave mine in the car. Lord have mercy. Love your blog,
    Miss Janice
