Friday, November 11

Paring Down

Hey Y'all !

Well it's almost that season - the one where people eat in excess and buy in excess - yet here I am, moving apartments {long story} and shedding even more than when I moved three months ago.
As Momma says - "Haven't you gotten rid of enough??"
I thought I had ... but apparently I did not. If I did not like to craft or bake {of which I have 2 moving boxes full of each ... scrapbooking, paints, garlands, etc. and cupcake pans, frosting tools, specialty cupcake doo-ma-jiggies ..} my life would A) be boring and B) 2 boxes less than what I currently own.
I mean, what's two boxes in the grand scheme of things?? Exactly. Not much. ;)

So, as Thanksgiving and Christmas are just weeks from us, I have been focusing on just how much unnecessary "stuff" we have. Maybe it was working with the children briefly in my last "contract" job {we'll call it that, instead of them duping me} or just how many times I have shoveled through my own belongings, but I really don't feel like any of us NEED anything this year. So many have less than I do and yet they are happy with their lives. Why can't I be more like that?

I challenge everyone to give of your time or treasures to a non-profit or your church this season. You will truly be blessed more than any gift you could receive!


1 comment:

  1. Girl, it was such a relief when we had our yard sale and got rid of so much stuff. It felt like we could breathe easier! So I defiitley know the feeling :) Love reading your blog!!
