So, ramblings aside (it is LATE & my warm bed is calling) ... I just wanted to toss this inspiration board I made at (free accounts!) for one of my *bests* lingerie shower that I am hosting. It's my first big affair for one of my friends in relation to their wedding. How sweet it is to be part of a couple's life in this way.
The theme is Upper-East Side -meets Southern beach girl in the springtime! I have already bought black damask-ish print napkins & plates ... All attendants are asked to wear black /white or a combo of both, and I'd love for the Bride-To-Be to wear *PiNk* ... she'll look stunning, no matter what though! It's a brunchery theme, plush flowers, attention to detail in food & drinks, and not to mention, I'm asking our New Orleanian *best* to bring her cocktail expertise to the table, literally & design a drink for our Bride-To-Be. She will be wonderful & love sharing her talents with us :) B-2-B doesn't want "skanky" lingerie. She's a sweet nightgown & practical kinda gal, so we'll be seeing sweet floral prints and things that are romantic versus raunchy :) I look forward to posting REAL photos of this Lingerie Shower Brunch with ya'll in May. For now, I'll keep dreaming it up!