Tuesday, January 31

Orange You ?

Hey Y'all!

It's Tuesday and I'm down with strep again - back in August and now. Apparently the crud is going around. Either way, as I told my M.D. "I'll have strep over the stomach bug any day!!"

So despite feeling absolutely crummy today, my spirits aren't hindered. After all, I was the child who stayed home ill from school and would beg my Momma to take me to the mall... {Later in high school, Momma and I would take Retail Therapy Days, but they were healthy days!}

In lieu of feeling so blah - I wanted to share something fun + vibrant ... the Pantone color of 2012
Tangerine Tango


... a color I never thought I'd wear { for fear that someone would mistake me for a Gator girl, of which would be disgraceful to my Alma Mater }  But let me tell you, Southern women are not afraid of color!!

Whether it's a colorful home with coordinating fabrics or hanging in your closet in color pops of scarves and pants, Southern women do love some bold color! I'm a huge fan of vibrant+fun pants, although keeping in mind not to splay a pattern across my rear end that does me a disservice. I'll admit, I own a pair of J.Crew orange cafe pants. And I LOVE them! There's something empowering about wearing a bold color. Embrace it.

                           Enjoy some of my favorite tangerine-hued pieces from this spring!

J. Crew {my pants}

Kate Spade

                                    Essie 2012 Collection
Kate Spade

Lilly Pulitzer

Tory  Burch

So get out & get inspired by Tangerine Tango!! If you don't like orange, go for coral. 
Either way, add a splash of color to your Spring 2012 wardrobe! 


Monday, January 23

Dual-Post from {A} and B

Hey Y'all!

I've made it through my first day back at work. While my "vacation" was just over 2.5 months, you'll never be fully prepared for the overwhelming nature of a first day at a new job.

This past weekend was fabulous - the first chapter in our "Roomie Roadtrip".  {A} and I had such a grand time in Tallahassee  - walking around campus {literally, we walked the entire campus...and wondered how we did such a thing multiple times a day, usually in 90 degree weather while trying to make it to class on time}... we marveled over the ever changing landscape of FSU and probably sounded like "old people" to the students we passed. At one point, {A}said
"At least we're not parents
... as we walked by a couple with their daughter, clearly visiting her for the weekend. 
She's right, at least we're not that old.

We tooled around town to all of my favorite shops and, much to my surprise, there are several new little boutiques that have opened in the nearly 3 years I've not been back {shame. I know} A and I did really good at stopping each other from buying miscellaneous cute things that we didn't really need {amazing} and she truly is amazing at dealing with my precious obsession of anything monogrammed, pink, green, Lilly or preppy-chic in anyway. Miss A caved and got herself a Lilly reusable travel cup with a fabulous monogram on it. I gave her full permission to blame me for any future monogramming tendencies. As Reese Witherspoon put it "It it ain't moving, I'll monogram it." And y'all, that is just fabulous!
        From my slippers to my sheets, purses to parasols - the right man will just think it's "oh-so-me!"

That brings me to a funny conversation {one of many} from our trip this weekend... the glory of a truly Southern Gentleman. 
When I mentioned that the most recent ex-beau of mine had never shot a gun - A simply stated:
  "Oh no. That wouldn't have worked." 

Simple Southern gal fact: You can't have shot more guns than your beau. 

So, we decided I should write a post about just how Southern Mister Right will be... 
here's what I've got for y'all! 

  1. He owns a bowtie, or two, or would at least be willing to don one for special occasions.
  2. Darlin's shot a shotgun, doesn't have to own them - but can take a girl to the range & teach her.
  3. He knows just the right amount of sugar to go in sweet tea.
  4. He knows a lift isn't just for bench-pressing.
  5. Y'all can share your subscription to Garden&Gun.
  6. Mister Right can wear camo, but it's season only coincides with deer season. Then it's gone.
  7. He hugs your grandma and your Momma, and can trade stories with your Daddy and papa.
  8. Darlin' man respects Sunday traditions: First comes God, then comes Football.
  9. His values are in the right places - He loves God, his family and his Belle.
  10. Mister Right can get down and dirty, but can clean up to be shown off without any doubts!
There you've got it - our first co-written blog post from {A}+B! Have a great week y'all!


Thursday, January 19

Oh The Places We'll Go!

Hey Y'all!

The weekend is here {okay, 1 more day} and I'm off on a road trip with A {the roomie} to our College Town! Wah-hoo!! It was quite a moment when, while watching A pack, I said

 "Do you realize we are 7-8 years older than the kids who just went off to college??"

"Gross." says A. 

This meant we took extra precautions while packing our Vera Bradley monogrammed large duffel bag {because you can't go to College Town and NOT sport Vera} to make sure our clothes didn't scream "OLD" although we know we're not

We leave tomorrow and we'll be back Sunday morning. I'm really excited to spend a relaxing weekend with some cousins, walk around campus, and get some fried pickles!!! A+I are hoping this is the first of many road trips together :) - we'll be sure to document with plenty of fun photos.

Next Monday is a new chapter for me - I begin as an Event Coordinator with another non-profit here in town. I'm excited to see how I'll fit with everyone on the team, how I'll decorate up my work space {which I think is a cubicle} and tickled to know that I have several friends that work within a 3 mile radius, which offers options for fun lunch hours! I feel like it's high school all over again, not knowing if you'll know anyone in your classes- but resting easy to know that lunch time offers the chance to see those familiar faces! Funny how some things never change :) 

That's all I have for y'all now ... a bit slow around these parts, but ready for a weekly routine again!!! 


Wednesday, January 11

3 Day Office Make-Over

Hey Y'all!

Happy Wednesday & half-way to the weekend!! I must say, this Wednesday has been the best one in a while - not only did I get word that I was chosen for a great health non-profit organization {event coordinator} but the roomie {A} and I finished up our office / craft room / home to Sugar Bean Event Studio!!!

A&B's Creative Space 
The room, formerly a mish-mash of computers, parts, surf boards {don't ask} and empty boxes, we spent last Saturday hauling out boxes, clearing out old junk and bringing in plastic totes {full of seasonal decor} into the closet. It started there. Next, we decided that the L shaped desk was perfect for us to share! With our laptops in hand, we created a really eclectic desk that somehow flows with both of our styles. {A} hung her FSU diploma, which has motivated me to get mine out of the paper envelope it's been in {3 years now} and find a frame to hang on the wall. You would think after all the hard work at school, I would want to proudly display that piece of expensive paper ;)

Sugar Bean Event Studio - Humble Home

So, our bookcase is divided up into RN books, intellectual reading, fun books and miscellaneous crafting supplies. The pink and black boxes are from the Target $1 Spot and {A} made great labels for them. Scrapbooking paper, supplies, stickers and my binders full of event ideas, recipes, etc. make up the bottom part of the bookcase.

My DIY Chalkboard
 Last fall, I recovered my bulletin board with some burlap, ribbon and rick-rack... I added two cute floral tags that say "Bills To Pay" and "Paid -->File" to categorize my bills. In the middle, are receipts to watch for as they post in my online banking. {A} wanted a cute board too, so she covered hers in ribbon, burlap and I made her a precious monogram with "bows" dividing up her bills due / paid. I think it came out really precious!!!
A's Bulletin Board & Work Station

Our walls are full of cute projects, FSU memo board, photos and a ribbon holder. We realized tonight that we should probably start taking pictures together so we actually have frames with us in them!

{A} was great at helping celebrate my recent job offer - we scurried off to P.F. Changs for dinner & a walk around the outdoor mall. It's getting cool outside again and I'm hoping it will stick around for a bit!
I think next weekend we will journey off to College Town USA {where we spent four glorious years} together ... it was already in the plans and we realized it would be a great weekend for us to both be out of our BigCity ...

That's all I have for now y'all - I'm going to enjoy my last week + 1/2 of not working. I've got some party stuff to work on for a client's son's 1st birthday party and {A} and I are recovering {after ripping apart, gently.. to save the pattern} her bedroom chair. She found fabric at JoAnn's and I've convinced her we can make it over. I'm so glad to have a crafty roommate!!!


Friday, January 6

Carnival Is Here


Hey Y'all!!

It's a beautiful, sunny and crisp {not cold} day here in my BigCity! It's also the Day of Epiphany, which is the 12th day after Christmas and the beginning of Carnival season... around these parts, that means the Christmas decorations are coming down {most are already down} and up goes the *gold * green * & *purple* for Mardi Gras!

I've never really been a fan of Valentine's day decor - as pink never seemed to match my house, but the foyer and front door are "Valentine's" ready now, as are the kitchen towels. Apparently in one of my 3 moves in the past year, the Mardi Gras wreath didn't make the cut - which is alright because it gives me an excuse to make another one. I've got scads of beads and baubles from my last official MG trip to New Orleans back in college, so I think I'll use some of those to decorate with as well.

Not sure that I've blogged since 2012 so, how was y'all's New Years? 

Mine was an unexpectedly quiet one, filled with family - although it wasn't originally planned, I enjoyed it nonetheless! New Year's Day was welcomed with my toes in the sand on the gorgeous beaches that are home.

I'm in the midst of Christmas decor and organizing for the office space / spare room that the roomie & I share, so I must be off to get some of this mess cleared up! Have a great weekend!


Tuesday, January 3

It's a brand new year, y'all!

Hey Y'all!

I hope everyone had a wonderful time with friends+family these past few weeks, Christmas and New Years, parties, traveling and all the merriment that comes with December. I might be the only one crazy enough to think this, but we really should have another month filled to the brim of socializing and holiday times. Maybe that way, people would realize that not everything has to be done in December and they just might focus more on the real gift of Christmas. But, that's just my idea.

I've not been around much the past month, or rather, I was around just being overly occupied like the rest of y'all. Being without a job during December certainly was hard, but out of it came hand-crafted gifts for all of my family members and dearest friends, extra two weeks at my Momma's house, and the celebration of a new year with all rough chapters {yet, blessings too} of 2011 behind me.

Typically, I do not make these big fusses over New Years Resolutions. Maybe it's the fact that I like to think I'm continually improving, or that I don't need to wait an entire year to re-vamp my attitude, my habits, etc. And maybe, just maybe, I am so stinkin' over the holiday rush that I'm just happy to see "JANUARY" on my planner and all of the Christmas stuff being cleared out!

Either way, I think there are enough personal goals I'd like to work towards accomplishing in twenty12 that I may as well document them here, for y'all to see {or call me out on when I'm slacking} and a way to look back and say "Oh yea, I did manage to accomplish that." So, forgive me now for being cliche and posting 2 days late about my resolutions, but I'm going to do it... in the spirit of New Chapters in my life.

Side Note: I think my word for the year will be "Attempt " - this way I am encouraging myself to break out of the routine and comfort zone, but not so much that it will be too drastic to keep up with.
Moderation, right!?! 
Thanks to Pinterest {love!!} I have a nice little set of quotes to keep in mind for this year.
Here goes y'all ~ 
For the Worrier in Me

This year I'm learning Bravery  

Twenty12 I will live in the Now

Because really, His plans are WAY better than mine
So hard to do. But will focus on this.

Actions Always Speak Loudest

So, there you have it. My New Years Resolutions in Pinterest form! In addition, I'm going to launch Sugar Bean Event Studio's website, get my business cards designed & printed {then develop relationships with vendors to leave them with}, attempt to book at least 8 events {2 in progress, 6 to go!}, land myself a great stable job where some company will appreciate me, lean more on friends & deepen my relationships, read great books, put myself in situations where I'm not exactly comfortable {safe, yes} and learn to react appropriately, shop locally & work more with small businesses, grow more in my faith and church, attempt to try new recipes that are challenging, spend a girls weekend with my bests {long overdue}... okay, that's all I have for now!!

I hope y'all continue to have a wonderful New Year! Attempt to do something challenging and exciting!
 I promise I'll make an attempt to blog s'more this year!
