Wednesday, October 19

#1.0.2. - Dear Julia

Dear Julia,

I'm writing to you as one who looks up to your wisdom in words and as "la boulanger". You understand, you lived in France. If you were here today, I would eat up your wisdom like I was eating "le chocolat."

Your Friend,

Okay, so pardon my French Speaking / Julia Child / daydream. 
But in all honesty, the woman was wise beyond her years. And I'd love to sit in her rustic, French kitchen and chat like we were old girlfriends. I hope y'all have all seen "Julie+Julia" {and in no way am I being paid to endorse the film} but because it's seriously a great inspirational movie.

The quote below makes me want to follow through with every dream I have - based on every interest and love of mine - & who says that I can't spend my life doing just that???

She knew about love too - 

And if you ever wonder why "real food" tastes so good ... Julia {and Paula Deen} have the right idea ...

At the end of each day, it's the enjoyable things that will matter most ...

  Go forward with your talents, and be fearless! After all, who will know what you don't accomplish other than you?? 


Tuesday, October 18

Creative Brain-Drain

It's been an embarrasingly long time y'all - do forgive me for the lack of posts on my behalf...


You see, there's this tiny, itty bitty, teenie weenie, not-so-big-deal event that has consumed my every waking / working moment for the past 2 and 1/2 months. It's called only my non-profit's biggest fundraiser of the year. And ya know, being employed since only mid-August naturally, I was brought in to be  
Lead Event Coordinator for it all.
But really, it's been baptism by fire these past couple of months. And not to complain, I'm more thankful than ever that my supervisor and team saw the potential in me - but boy, I'm sure looking forward to not tackling this monster for another year after this coming Sunday! 

So, it didn't occur to me until tonight, while wandering aimlessly through one of my "happy places" {Tarjet} that the reason I have been basically brain-dead in the *CreaTive* department, is largely due to the fact that every day my creativity is drained, only to be slightly refueled by an hour or so of Pinterest'ing and 7-8 hours of sleep each night. And even then, no amount of wandering through the aisles of Jo-Ann's, HLobby or Michael's ~ 
has peaked my interest.

And y'all - that is just plain sad.
 And frustrating.

But all of that ends this Sunday. I must say, I'm amazed, but not so "amazed" at how peaceful I feel about it all. I had one minor "eeek" moment last week, and asked for prayer for peace and strength from my Lifegroup girls, family + friends. And wouldn't you know - my supervisor even complimented me on "remaining so calm and collected during such stressful times"
Thank you DC, but - I have no control over it!! Thank God for that one :-) 

So, I've been "pinning" {or as I call it "Pinterest'ing"} last night and tonight, viciously adding to my "DIY to TRY" board, when I realize, I didn't ever lose my creative want, it's just not the time for it right now. 
So, I have quite a few things I'd like to try... and I'm excited that Christmas is only a mere 2 months + some-odd days from now, so I can begin Christmas shopping / crafting!! 

Since I don't have any photos of recent accomplishments {just you wait til Sunday - I'll be sure to upload some from the food+wine festival} I wanted to leave y'all with something pretty to look at 
...and maybe that will inspire you. 

Clear Frame + Decals = monogram art !!

Yarn Wrapped Letter for Door!

Love This "Where We Met" "Where We Married" "Where We Live" - too precious!!

Glass frame + scrapbook paper = chic whiteboard!
I already have about 5 of these types of books, but they're so fun & inspiring to make!