Sunday, October 10

First DIY with Ry

Good Evenin' Ya'll!! 

Happy Sunday & I hope your weekend was full of "W"'s for your alma mater & favorite college football teams! I know mine was ... GO NOLES >----->>

Prior to the two big games of our weekend, Ry & I headed out to Home Depot to buy some wooden legs so that our dream of creating nifty, thrifty nightstands would finally come to fruition. I had found a little suitcase for $6 outside of a thrift store in Tampa & picked it up knowing that Ry had another suitcase.
Once at Home Depot, we spent $5 on a can of stain, few cents on a paint brush, and eight legs for our 2 suitcases at 80 cents a piece. All the tools we needed, the Man had at home :)

It only took about an hour for us to put these babies together and they're just so stinkin' cute! Here are a few shots from our first ((of many)) DIY projects!
Voila!! Unique & Manly Nightstands      

Monday, October 4

Style. Redefined!

Glamorous. Classic. Organized.

As I'm moving in to my new apartment, one that finally has "good bones" ... about 7 months after my last "good bones" apartment on the West coast - I'm getting terribly excited to re-style.
Without purchasing a lot of new home accessories, my plan is to utilize bright and bold paint to make the largest impact. I'm sure that all the mulling over paint chips and fabrics is more than any "normal" person would put into a new temporary home, but alas, I need to feel at home! If even for a year long lease. 

This time around, I'm taking a slightly more sophisticated, glamorous approach.

Influences for re-style:
  1. I have a mad love affair with botanical chinoiserie patterned wallpapers.
  2. Antique furniture with  clean, feminine lines to it. In light colors. Or dark stained wood.
  3. Large one-flower bouquets. And I mean large (see above).
  4. Love for strong and bold colors on walls. 
  5. Re-vamped outlook on "live-ability" while still being stylish.

 darling drapery,bright upholstered chairs, functional table

definitely loving the pink fabric, & large peony bouquets throughout the house

Loving these colors, fabrics and that curvy little night table!!
Okay, enough dreaming and scheming for now~ Off to a good night's sleep! 