Sunday, October 10

First DIY with Ry

Good Evenin' Ya'll!! 

Happy Sunday & I hope your weekend was full of "W"'s for your alma mater & favorite college football teams! I know mine was ... GO NOLES >----->>

Prior to the two big games of our weekend, Ry & I headed out to Home Depot to buy some wooden legs so that our dream of creating nifty, thrifty nightstands would finally come to fruition. I had found a little suitcase for $6 outside of a thrift store in Tampa & picked it up knowing that Ry had another suitcase.
Once at Home Depot, we spent $5 on a can of stain, few cents on a paint brush, and eight legs for our 2 suitcases at 80 cents a piece. All the tools we needed, the Man had at home :)

It only took about an hour for us to put these babies together and they're just so stinkin' cute! Here are a few shots from our first ((of many)) DIY projects!
Voila!! Unique & Manly Nightstands      

1 comment:

  1. Impressive!!! I have a ton of old suitcases - I went through a collecting phase with them about 10 years ago. I may have to steal this idea!
