Thursday, April 15

Spring Cleaning - Body Style

">Hey Ya'll!! Well, if it hasn't been two days longer than life since I have had a moment's peace to collect my thoughts + throw them here on my blog!! >awesome Yoga moves that help to stir-up & rid our bodies of the junk that accumulates from the air, food, and stress. If you're going to SPRING CLEAN your house, better clean out your body while you're at it! So, if you didn't know, I am a HUGE Yoga + Pilates fan. Working on my certifications to become certified in Stott Pilates Method, I also have a large interest in how & why our bodies respond to the environments we put ourselves in. For me, yoga + Pilates are a way to focus inside our minds and allow our bodies to "air out" if you will. I challenge everyone, no matter if you're FIT or FAT, to try the moves below. Do them about 5 times in the morning + evening and you'll notice a difference. If you're too embarassed to try Yoga at the gym, I bet your local library has great DVDs with instructors. So, get up and get into that Downward Dog, shake up the crap in your intestines, get your blood flow circulating to all parts of your body, and SPRING CLEAN yourself! You deserve it!

Nose-to-Knee Plank

This exercise brings heat to the digestive tract, burning up accumulated toxins and making them easier for the body to dispose of. Start in Downward Facing Dog (shown here). Then transfer your weight forward into the top of a push-up.

Nose-to-Knee Plank

Bring your right knee into your chest and try to touch your nose to that knee. Pull your belly in and hold for 15 seconds. Switch sides.

Seated Tree

This forward bend brings fresh blood to the abdomen, washing away waste products and revitalizing the entire area. Sit on the floor with legs straight out in front of you. Bend your left knee and bring the sole of your left foot to your inner right thigh, letting the left knee drop toward the floor. Lengthen your spine and reach forward to take hold of your right foot or shin. Twist your torso toward your right leg, folding forward at the hips over that leg. Stay here for 5 to 10 deep breaths, then switch legs.

And my PERSONAL FAVORITE (mostly because it involves no real movement + a chance to concentrate on your breathing) ...

Legs Up the Wall

This exercise encourages drainage of blood and lymphatic fluid from the feet and legs into the abdomen, where these fluids can be more easily cleansed. It also nourishes the digestive organs and gives the circulatory system a rest, which results in increased function and energy.

Sit with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and right shoulder and hip touching a wall. Roll onto your back and swing your legs up, inching your butt as close to the wall as you can without straining your hamstrings. Put your arms on your belly, by your sides, or above your head. Stay for 2 minutes.

*Thank You Martha Stewart "Whole Living"* Just some food for thought, since I'm a book-worm ... Grab a copy of the following books for informative, insightful + healthy reading
  • Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Skinny Bitch & Skinny Bitch In The Kitch (cookbook) - Rory Freeman
  • Cooking the Whole Foods Way - Christina Pirello
Don't forget, eat an Earth-friendly diet whenever possible :) which includes
  • Eat Locally, Organically & Seasonally
  • Grow Your Own
  • Choose Your Drinks Wisely (coffee, teas + beverages that are eco-friendly)
  • Be Choosy when Dining Out (cut back on wasting napkins, plastic utensils, ask your local restaurant to choose recycled products in the composition of their utensils / napkins, etc)
  • Be Sure the Seafood you Eat is Sustainable
That's all for now y'all! Have a fabulous weekend & do some yoga in the park :) It's invigorating! b

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