Happy Friday & Hooray for Me!
I'm the first person to admit how non technologically intelligent I am, yet this is the first post on my newly re-designed blog here. Yes, I completely destructed my last layout without bothering to remember or research ((or save it, for that matter)) how to re-build it. But alas, two nights of frustration and my little blog has a face lift! As I told my Sweet Man, I am going to sign up for a class on creating blogs + website ((for dummies)) at the local community college at some point this year. I cannot be ignorant any longer!!!! :)
This week I ordered from www.cooking.com, a set of flour sack towels and in my greatest efforts to take an inexpensive ((but everlasting)) kitchen towel, I am going to sew ruffles on them and add embroidery in my own design. Momma couldn't make it sound any easier to draw my own design and using embroidery thread in various thicknesses & colors, to create something unique! After all, that's what I'm all about!! So I am taking hints and tricks from the EASY book + website "Sublime Stitching" and going to purchase some neat hand-dyed floss and give it a whirl. Now, I'm no drawing artist, so I'll stick to something with a simple shapes that will fit in with my kitchen. Perhaps a cupcake, cookie, or rolling pin doodle. These are some I'm considering trying to draw ...

Starting simple of course, I may need to buy a book until I can figure it out. Also, I've saved a lot of neat fonts from the most awesome free fonts and should attempt to trace the letters onto my towels, and stitch over them. I'll be sure to post photos of the finished product! Here's hoping how they'll turn out:

After these little buggers are complete, I am hoping to play around with transfer printer paper and some to-die-for images ((think, French, girly, whimsical, and vintage)) from the Graphics Fairy
I'm seeing pillows and hand towels for my bathroom, plus gift options galore!
Trust me when I say she is THE hot-spot for images to use. And they're free! Thank you fellow blogger Graphics Fairy! :)
Well, I hope to blog another time or so before I head off in a week... if not, Viva Mexico and I shall return with pictures of projects :)
**Thanks to Fiskars Crafts for ruffle instructions here!
**Follow http://graphicsfairy.blogspot.com/
**Ruffled Christmas towels here
This is on my project list too. I have purchased my towels, but no floss yet. Thanks for the links.