I suwannee! {now that is some good ol' true Southern slang for ya'll}
It's the weekend y'all, and although I am working with the Lil One for a few hours tonight, I'm very excited to have one of the roughest weeks behind me. I can't help but sing in my little mind:
Saturday, April 30
Thursday, April 28
Oh Beautiful Friday
Hey Y'all!
I am so very glad I have survived this week to see another Friday. Now, I hate to whine but here's my week in a short summary:
On Monday, I stepped on a 4ft long black garden racer snake.
On Tuesday, I was hit by Lil One and had to spend the whole day with her afterwards{that I nanny for}.
On Wednesday, I received the fabulous news of an interview opportunity for a job I'm pining over {events!}
On Thursday, Lil One hit me again. This time with a golf club {plastic, but to my face}. Soap in mouth+time-out.
Oh Friday, bring me something wonderful!!!
I really am praying about this upcoming interview. I've been in contact with the position's manager, it is a non-profit foundation where I would be focusing solely on large donors, fund raising, and event planning. Heavenly, is what I call it. After the week with Lil One, I'm anxious to get a new job!!! Thank you for those of ya'll who are already praying for me!
Tonight has been relatively quiet, I grabbed dinner in the rain from Chipotle {cannot live without!} and came home to begin transforming my dining area for our Cinco de Mayo party next week. It's so very calming and fun to me, to drag out all sorts of party props, throw on some music, and go to town! I'm very blessed to have wonderful friends who live here that will be coming over for a fun evening.
While in the midst of my productivity, I have watched {rather, listened} to Julie+Julia and also Breakfast at Tiffanys {have you ever noticed that her couch is made from an old footed bathtub? how green of her!}
I also worked on some cute tissue paper crafts from Martha Stewart's Cinco de Mayo article. Most of the time, I get in the middle of one of "Martha's Grand Idea's" and I begin to curse her stupid creativity. But, tissue paper art is simple enough for me! Can't wait to showcase the real-deal from our party next week.
What do your weekend plans entail? I hope to finish up the decor for our party, add my newest bedskirt to the bed {that was another item on the "101 Things To Accomplish By 2012"}. I scored a fabulous tailored white skirt at Tarjet {love} for $11 on the ENDCAP! Handsome Man would be so proud, he is an avid believer in all wonderful things are on the endcaps ... we shop those first :) Did I make you proud? If I'm feeling overly ambitious, I hope to paint the rest of my dining table and sand the oak table-top to re-stain. But, this probably won't happen considering I have my dining room all set for the party!
Before I go, I must say I'm happily surprised to have another reader :) thanks for your comment and following along!
Also y'all, one more thing ~ if you have any book suggestions, please pass them along to me {let's cross another item off the list. 10 new books by 2012}
I am so very glad I have survived this week to see another Friday. Now, I hate to whine but here's my week in a short summary:
On Monday, I stepped on a 4ft long black garden racer snake.
On Tuesday, I was hit by Lil One and had to spend the whole day with her afterwards{that I nanny for}.
On Wednesday, I received the fabulous news of an interview opportunity for a job I'm pining over {events!}
On Thursday, Lil One hit me again. This time with a golf club {plastic, but to my face}. Soap in mouth+time-out.
Oh Friday, bring me something wonderful!!!
I really am praying about this upcoming interview. I've been in contact with the position's manager, it is a non-profit foundation where I would be focusing solely on large donors, fund raising, and event planning. Heavenly, is what I call it. After the week with Lil One, I'm anxious to get a new job!!! Thank you for those of ya'll who are already praying for me!
Tonight has been relatively quiet, I grabbed dinner in the rain from Chipotle {cannot live without!} and came home to begin transforming my dining area for our Cinco de Mayo party next week. It's so very calming and fun to me, to drag out all sorts of party props, throw on some music, and go to town! I'm very blessed to have wonderful friends who live here that will be coming over for a fun evening.
While in the midst of my productivity, I have watched {rather, listened} to Julie+Julia and also Breakfast at Tiffanys {have you ever noticed that her couch is made from an old footed bathtub? how green of her!}

What do your weekend plans entail? I hope to finish up the decor for our party, add my newest bedskirt to the bed {that was another item on the "101 Things To Accomplish By 2012"}. I scored a fabulous tailored white skirt at Tarjet {love} for $11 on the ENDCAP! Handsome Man would be so proud, he is an avid believer in all wonderful things are on the endcaps ... we shop those first :) Did I make you proud? If I'm feeling overly ambitious, I hope to paint the rest of my dining table and sand the oak table-top to re-stain. But, this probably won't happen considering I have my dining room all set for the party!
Before I go, I must say I'm happily surprised to have another reader :) thanks for your comment and following along!
Also y'all, one more thing ~ if you have any book suggestions, please pass them along to me {let's cross another item off the list. 10 new books by 2012}
Monday, April 25
Spring / Summer Overhaul

I certainly wasn't ready for today after having a beautiful Good Friday off, as well as Saturday + Easter, but I suppose we must all go back to reality sometime!
Ry+I had a lovely weekend, we saw "Water For Elephants" on Friday with our good friends + went to dinner. Saturday was "Moi Time" while he spent the day at the library. Then Easter Sunday was church, early to the beach, lunch at amazing Cruisers {so bad for us, but we had to mark it off the "Ry+little b's Adventure List" which I made in September before I moved here}. After the beach we just enjoyed the day, were a bit lazy and did a lot of laundry and steaming. By the way, Ry figured out that he has a passion for removing stains {thankfully not from my chapstick} in our laundry. Baking soda, scrub with toothbrush, and wash again. Voila! He was so excited. I was equally as excited to be using the FUN steamer to perfectly de-wrinkle the duvet and sheets! Okay, now that we admitted our lame Sunday evening chores ;) I must divulge on my "Fun" projects from Saturday.
We all know that when left to my own devices I can accomplish a lot or a little...depends on the day! :) Well, Saturday came and I'm still excited + inspired from my "101 Things to Accomplish Before 2012". Which, by the way, I have accomplished a lot just from having put those thoughts to 'paper' / blog.
Then I started playing around with different neutral pieces that I had around the house {and in closets, and storage bins, and random drawers} and came up with a very PotteryBarn inspired neutral "summer" mantle!
Lovin' my mercury glass, shells from every beach I've been on, antique carafe, vintage wood piece from a New Orleans porch, and misc. other items!

Well, the not -so- interesting project was then under my kitchen sink. I found 2 perfect bins in my car trunk + cleared out all the crap under my sink. Re-organized and I now open the cabinets and smile!!
Lets see, in the works is also a fabulous Cinco de Mayo party for next week! I spent quite a bit of time working on decor, but have lots more to go.
Hope ya'll had a blessed Easter with your loved ones + have a wonderful week to come!
Thursday, April 21
101 Goals Until 2012
Well, I am certainly not your typical "resolution" maker ~ which is obvious by the title of this post!
But, I've recently been inspired by my love of Listography {making lists by category} and have decided to make it public, as a little teensie motivation for getting my list of goals accomplished. The growing list of "Projects To Accomplish" sitting on my desk is slowly getting crossed off. Then there are other goals, for business plans and such that will find their way on here.
So here we go - 101 Things To Achieve {hopefully by 2012}
All for now ya'll. I am very thankful for having a reason to celebrate this Easter weekend! We serve a Risen Savior!! Easter Blessings to you!
But, I've recently been inspired by my love of Listography {making lists by category} and have decided to make it public, as a little teensie motivation for getting my list of goals accomplished. The growing list of "Projects To Accomplish" sitting on my desk is slowly getting crossed off. Then there are other goals, for business plans and such that will find their way on here.
So here we go - 101 Things To Achieve {hopefully by 2012}
- Refinish the legs of my dining room table {white} and table top {oak}
- Attend all of my LifeGroup meetings with girls from my wonderful church in our next book {The Good & Beautiful Life}
- Pull all photos from college from my PC and onto CD's. Organize in some kind of small bin.
- Do some form of exercise 4 days a week. I did 5 days a week in college. I can certainly do 4.
- Start an Etsy store for crafts and cookies {made to order- custom}
- Collect 10 friends or family recipes and try them each. Add on handwritten cards to my recipe box.
- Fly to San Antonio to visit one of my best friends & her husband in their first home!!
- Take a trip to Austin, Tx with Handsome Man for a concert of one of our favorite bands.
- Shop for produce each Saturday at Market Days
- Take my stepdad Larry out to lunch or breakfast + pick up the tab.
- Visit Nashville, Tennessee and find the best BBQ in the city
- Successfully grow + keep alive our kitchen herb garden {bad track record}
- Buy a gas grill with Handsome Man to enjoy outdoor meals on
- Rebuild my iTunes library to define who I am today {and not in college, as it currently stands}
- Print all pictures of Handsome Man + I. Begin to scrapbook by our anniversary.
- Attend another major PGA / USGA sanctioned golf tournament
- Volunteer at a children's hospital event
- Frame my FSU Diploma with Honors tassel
- Start watching Arrested Development again {from the start} with Handsome Man. Finish the series!
- Read another biography of a fabulous woman. {Last was "The Gospel According To Coco Chanel"} {how about Billie Holiday? Elanor Roosevelt? Katherine Hepburn?}
- Take the trip to Atlanta again with my grandma, my mom and aunt for Country Living Fair
- Bathe Izzy {pup} once a week. No more stinky pooches!
- Take photos of my events with Ry's camera {learn new angles to shoot from}
- Stage events for my portfolio
- Ask an amazing graphic designer to build me a website for my portfolio
- Get out to the driving range + golf course with Handsome Man
- Buy nightstands that we can DIY
- Have a fondue date night -in with Ry {my fondue > Melting Pot}
- Design 5 events for my soon-to-be business
- Get a job working in events {preferably and a non-profit}
- Spend a weekend with my little sister - somewhere out of town from where we both live
- Read 10 new books. {suggestions?? please!!}
- Create 4 of my own cupcake recipes
- Collect ALL relatives + friends current addresses and birthdays. Keep in Excel. Update each year!
- Pay for someone behind me in a drive thru
- Attempt to surf with Ry
- Attend FSU Homecoming weekend
- Print out Vintage Graphics from {Graphics Fairy} + iron-on transfer them to make pillows
- Start a new collection of antiques {ball jars, antique silver, cake stands, christmas ornaments: Done!}
- Actually list / sell all the items on my "To Craigslist" list. Bank the money for future vacation
- Save money to re-upholster the lovely Pottery Barn couch {hello, PB, please make slipcovers for the seagrass couch}
- Take Handsome Man to Tallahassee for a tour of FSU and "my" Tally
- Go with Handsome Man to Gainesville for "His" G'ville tour
- White water raft the Ocoee River
- Get my carry-on bag monogrammed {meant to do that when I got it @ Christmas '10}
- Try one new recipe a week
- DIY paint, re-finish, re-hardware my 1930s Hoosier cabinet / dining hutch
- Make copies of photos of great-grandparents, grandparents / old family I may not have known, and put them in an album {digitize too}
- Ask my grandparents to write / speak a memoir for me.
- Purchase 80% of my Christmas + Birthday gifts from local stores and Etsy
- Stage photos for blog posts
- Send more handwritten notes "just because"
- Pick a business name.
- Design a logo + tagline
- Get business cards made.
- Choose 10 local stores to place business cards in. Keep track + refill!
- Track business from card placement.
- Take recipe box + turn it into a binder with plastic covers for cards{organize!}
- Finish sewing Gators stocking for Ry before December 1st
- Attend a non-profit formal event with Handsome Man
- Build an apron rack for the kitchen
- Devise an organizational system {ikea? container store?} for laundry + cleaning supplies
- Go on a Girls Vacay with my bests again.
- See a Broadway show {I'll settle for a good one in town}
- Have a Mother/Daughter trip to Charleston, SC
- Spend a day boogie-boarding with my Daddy, like old times!
- Re-upholster arm chair in my bedroom. Maybe re paint too? :)
- Host 2 themed dinner parties with our friends
- Get more involved as a couple in our church
- Visit an art museum in our city
- Complete our "Ry+b's Adventure List"
- Take ballroom or swing dance lessons with Ry
- Use coupons more often with groceries
- Find a new game we love {for now it's Yahtzee + Boggle, primarily}
- Host another FSU-UF football party {staging photos!!}
- Actually practice and RUN a 5K with Ry
- Grow my savings account more + not touch except for emergencies
- For every goal I accomplish, put $10 in my savings account $ !
- Practice frosting techniques on cakes + cookies
- Take a Wilton cake class at JoAnns
- DIY the "lawyers" bookcase ... {fun paint color?}
- Complete small projects in my "DIY" computer folder + blog about them!
- Order a box-pleat bedskirt {boring. I know. but I'm just about tired of seeing my bed's "feet"}
- Day-trip with friends to springs and camping
- Make a tiramisu {Ry's favorite that I should learn to make}
- Enjoy summer evenings at the Suns ballpark for a game with fireworks
- Network with other event designers through their blogs
- Find 3 new restaurants we love that are local
- TBD - 101.
All for now ya'll. I am very thankful for having a reason to celebrate this Easter weekend! We serve a Risen Savior!! Easter Blessings to you!
Saturday, April 9
March Madness - No basketball Necessary
Hey Ya'll!
I don't know where the time has gotten to these past few weeks. I know I've thought about blogging, I've talked about it, and I've snapped pictures for my blog ... but all remain unseen until now.
Oh wait- I remember. Last weekend I was gone, home with my Love to celebrate his mother's birthday + visit with family. The week prior to the weekend, was filled with baking adventures and event design fun.
So, that's where I've been. It's a tad scary when I have to recount my last steps to know why the heck I've been so busy :) I did have such fun with the cookies that I think I may try my hand at selling them on an order-only basis through Etsy. $10 for 4 isn't bad, right?
Now, I know you're dying to see it, but I can't show pictures of the shower yet, although we staged quite a few, it's not until next Friday. Once the Mama-to-Be has seen her shower in reality ~ I'll share photos. Trust me, you'll want to check back.
I mentioned a post or 2 ago that while Handsome Love was away on Spring Break {lucky} I antiqued my little rusty heart out. Came home with some awesome mix+match William Rogers silverware, dating back to the 1920s, and a 1929 Hoosier cabinet from Hoosier, Indiana. {Love the old furniture stamps}. Here's proof of the damage:
Please rest assured that once Handsome Love is finished with his first year of law school {May 11 come quickly}, we will be tackling this lovely Hoosier cabinet. I've played around with 3-4 paint chip samples so far, all in a shade of mossy light green .. and we'll update the hardware, paint over that dreaded ugly Southwestern indian design, and facelift it :) I'm sure he's just as anxious as I am about getting done with school, solely for the purpose of not having to look at an ugly cabinet anymore! In the mean time, the picture displays that I did what I could to live with it, for the next few weeks! Any suggestions on painting the insides of the breadbox area? I'm thinking a "pop" color ?!
This weekend is going to be great, we are going on a bike ride tomorrow morning in chic+comfy San Marco. It's kind of become "Our" area. We took our Christmas card photos here, eaten many meals, become favorites at stores, etc etc. Then, we'll jump down to St. Augustine so that He can get his J.Crew fix & then it's off to dinner at Bistro Aix. I was feeling fancy, so I bought a little number in a bright coral silky fabric and can't wait to wear it out!
I'll check back with ya'll and post something on Sunday if time permits.
Love The One You're With.
I don't know where the time has gotten to these past few weeks. I know I've thought about blogging, I've talked about it, and I've snapped pictures for my blog ... but all remain unseen until now.
Oh wait- I remember. Last weekend I was gone, home with my Love to celebrate his mother's birthday + visit with family. The week prior to the weekend, was filled with baking adventures and event design fun.
- Yours truly made her very first carrot cake. It was divine {humbly}, frosted & for Ma D's b'day
- Yours truly also made about 2 dozen sugar-butter cookies from scratch {no other way}, cut into shapes of flowers, ducks and chicks for a baby shower for C. Hand piped and royal frosted.
- Yours truly crafted for hours {thank you Momma} on C's baby shower goodies.
That left me all but brain dead by the time Friday rolled around. Then we packed it up in the truck and headed home for family time.
So, that's where I've been. It's a tad scary when I have to recount my last steps to know why the heck I've been so busy :) I did have such fun with the cookies that I think I may try my hand at selling them on an order-only basis through Etsy. $10 for 4 isn't bad, right?
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C's Baby Shower Invite |
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Vintage Silverware |
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I'll Be Pretty One Day |
This weekend is going to be great, we are going on a bike ride tomorrow morning in chic+comfy San Marco. It's kind of become "Our" area. We took our Christmas card photos here, eaten many meals, become favorites at stores, etc etc. Then, we'll jump down to St. Augustine so that He can get his J.Crew fix & then it's off to dinner at Bistro Aix. I was feeling fancy, so I bought a little number in a bright coral silky fabric and can't wait to wear it out!
I'll check back with ya'll and post something on Sunday if time permits.
Love The One You're With.
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