Hey Y'all!
I hope everyone had a wonderful time with friends+family these past few weeks, Christmas and New Years, parties, traveling and all the merriment that comes with December. I might be the only one crazy enough to think this, but we really
should have another month filled to the brim of socializing and holiday times. Maybe that way, people would realize that not
everything has to be done in December and they just might focus more on the real gift of Christmas. But, that's just my idea.
I've not been around much the past month, or rather, I
was around just being overly occupied like the rest of y'all. Being without a job during December certainly was hard, but out of it came hand-crafted gifts for all of my family members and dearest friends, extra two weeks at my Momma's house, and the celebration of a new year with all rough chapters {yet, blessings too} of 2011 behind me.
Typically, I do not make these big fusses over New Years Resolutions. Maybe it's the fact that I like to think I'm continually improving, or that I don't need to wait an entire year to re-vamp my attitude, my habits, etc. And maybe, just maybe, I am so stinkin' over the holiday rush that I'm just happy to see "JANUARY" on my planner and all of the Christmas stuff being cleared out!
Either way, I think there are enough personal goals I'd like to work towards accomplishing in twenty12 that I may as well document them here, for y'all to see {
or call me out on when I'm slacking} and a way to look back and say "Oh yea, I did manage to accomplish that." So,
forgive me now for being cliche and posting 2 days late about my resolutions, but I'm going to do it... in the spirit of New Chapters in my life.
Side Note: I think my word for the year will be "
Attempt " - this way I am encouraging myself to break out of the routine and comfort zone, but not so much that it will be too drastic to keep up with.
Moderation, right!?!
Thanks to Pinterest {love!!} I have a nice little set of quotes to keep in mind for this year.
Here goes y'all ~
For the Worrier in Me |
This year I'm learning Bravery | | |
Twenty12 I will live in the Now |
Because really, His plans are WAY better than mine |
So hard to do. But will focus on this. |
Actions Always Speak Loudest |
So, there you have it. My New Years Resolutions in Pinterest form! In addition, I'm going to launch Sugar Bean Event Studio's website, get my business cards designed & printed {then develop relationships with vendors to leave them with}, attempt to book at least 8 events {2 in progress, 6 to go!}, land myself a great stable job where some company will appreciate me, lean more on friends & deepen my relationships, read great books, put myself in situations where I'm not exactly comfortable {safe, yes} and learn to react appropriately, shop locally & work more with small businesses, grow more in my faith and church, attempt to try new recipes that are challenging, spend a girls weekend with my bests {long overdue}... okay, that's all I have for now!!
I hope y'all continue to have a wonderful New Year! Attempt to do something challenging and exciting!
I promise I'll make an attempt to blog s'more this year!