Hey Y'all!
I hope you're enjoying the last bit of your weekend! As I mentioned yesterday, mine has been very eventful.
But today, I just wanted to share with you a bit of "Sunday Ritual" that has taken a new {fun} turn these days.
Y'all have heard of these "EXTREME COUPONING" shows, the blogs are out there to be read, and some of these ladies {&maybe men??} have got it down to a science.
I usually plan my weekly meals on Sunday, hit up the grocery store, and go from there. If I had coupons, great. If not, oh well. The essentials are bought nearly every week, with a change up in produce, meats /fish and whatever "new" recipes I might be trying.
Lately, Lulu has been getting in to this coupon / blog / "like" product pages / ebates / etc.etc.etc.
Now she is
waaaay more technology-savvy than I am, so I had to take advantage of her while she was in town, to pick her brain about couponing. {okay, yes that isn't a real word. and no I don't care}
She's got a blog of her own, and had written a great post about getting started in couponing. I figured if she can do it, so can I! Well, she sat down and explained "liking" product pages on Facebook, gave me 5 great starting points for blogs & websites to use for printable coupons, and of course, referred me to the Sunday paper advertisements and coupon sheets.
Growing up in our house, we always sort of had our "pick" of the Sunday ad papers. I usually gravitated to Target, Mom to Publix /grocery ads, and so on. Well, these days it's an all-out "who needs this coupon??" kinda afternoon on Sundays. There's church, then of course lunch, then a nap, and then some coupon/ad time. It's our little family ritual, I guess you could call it!
So tonight, with all kudos going to Lulu ~ I have approx.30 coupons for products that either Handsome Man or myself currently use, and printed out 5 pages of coupons from online websites.
Some of the favorites are:
Now, I also suggest that you go to each individual product page / brand website to see if by "liking" them or by signing up, you can receive trial size freebies, store coupons and more! I usually don't sign up for the box that says "please send me emails" because most of these are a 1-time coupon. And since I shop mostly all natural/organic products, the coupons are more limited ... {{can someone fix that?? hello Organic companies, we like coupons too!!!}}
Anyways, I have divided my coupons up into ziplock baggies {shame, I know. sometime soon will have to get a more
chic coupon organizing method} with categories such as: Dairy, Toiletries, Misc., Snacks & Sweets, Izzy{pup}, Beverages & Condiments, Meats & Meals, & Breakfast Foods.
My Coupon collection |
Now, those are just to accommodate the current coupons that I have. I also rip out and save every Bed-Bath-&-Beyond coupon that I find in my magazines or mailbox. They never expire & you can use 1 per item. For instance, the other day Momma was buying 2 panels of sheer drapes & was able to use 1/$5 off $15 coupon on one sheer. And then rang up separately the other sheer using a 20% off coupon. The employees are always rather generous with multiple coupons!
BBB coupons are great |
Also, I have to share - I never, ever, ever realized that Family Dollar sells brand-name products. And I'm talking about items that do not expire. Call me Crazy - but I just assumed
Family Dollar & their competitors were for silly / small / kid friendly items. I now know that they carry brands such as Charmin, Cottonelle, Tide, Gain, Dawn, Shout, Tampax, Caress, Dove & so on! I scored a coupon for $1 off of any 18 ct. or higher Tampax Pearl & they are normally $4 @ Family$, with my coupon would be $3! Last time I purchased those at Target, I think I paid $6. Rip-Off. I love Target, but $3 is $3!!! I'll start shopping Family$ for paper products that are disposable, as well as dish soap, trash bags, etc.
Okay - well that's my brief history and beginnings of coupon saving. I'm excited to start saving more money, shopping more wisely, and scoring deals to share! I can't promise I'll become your "coupon diva" but I will try and post details and deals as I come across them.
Rest up & have a fabulous week. I'm movin' tomorrow so it will be a few days before y'all hear from me!