Wednesday, July 20

Let The Countdown Begin


Football In The South:
It's A Way of Life

I am a Seminole.
Since birth, there was no other choice in my family but to be a Nole.
And after 4 and a 1/2 glorious years in Tallahassee, 
I have never been more proud to be a Seminole of Florida State! 

With all the pride humbleness that I can muster - every year, just about this time, 
I get that longing for something that only college football can cure...

For tailgates across from Doak Campbell,
For the family atmosphere you get from your fellow Seminoles,
Chanting "F-L-O-R-I-D-A - S-T-A-T-E" with 84,000 others,
Walking to the stadium, proudly past our Sod Cemetery of previous conquered teams,
Cheering Chief Osceola & Renegade to the 50-yard line to plant the Spear,
Nothing to your right or left but the famous Tomahawk Chop,
The ominous sound of the War Drum prior to Our Boys taking the field,
Marching Chiefs intro to the 4th quarter, playing "The Good, Bad & Ugly" for our Defense,

And those are just some of the moments that every Seminole loves.
And then there are our boys. 
And our coaches.
 Jimbo did amazing things last year, and I cannot wait to be present to see his talents in coaching on display again this year.
Some of my favorite boys to watch this fall will be Greg Reid, Brandon Jenkins, 
Nigel Bradham & of course, Mr. EJ Manuel.
Photo Courtesy of

So, with 44 days left, I begin the official countdown to College Football season!!
Who's your alma mater? Your team? What's your favorite tradition?

Garnet & Gold Love Forever



  1. I so just got chills reading all the traditions at Doak. Def can't wait for it to be here :)

  2. agree!! we need to coordinate going to a game or two together!
